Pawns & Passports
Pawns & Passports: Chess Sets from Around the Globe includes highlights from the diverse chess set collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame (WCHOF). Through this display, we hope to give visitors the opportunity to “travel” around the world from our gallery. We also would like to highlight the stories these sets tell, both through their imagery and the stories of how they traveled from their places of origin to our location in Saint Louis.
Case Overview
World Chess Hall of Fame
Scope of Work:
Exhibition Branding/Art Direction
Photography Direction
Advertising/Promotional Materials
Gallery Labels
Vinyl Design/Installation
Project Management
“The WCHOF is dedicated to interpreting the game of chess and its continuing cultural and artistic significance. Chess, with its opposing sides and rich history, has proven an attractive arena for artists and creators to explore different imagery and stories. As chess has spread around the world, it has attracted the attention of artists and creators who have made sets that incorporate themes and stories from their own cultures.”
Installation Shots
Exhibition Brochure
Artifact Photography